PUBG Releasing The Vikendi Map For Console Soon

It is safe to say that PC users have had more fun when it comes to Playerunknown Battleground as they first got the chance to
play the dangerous Vikendi Map. Well console users won't have to imagine how this map looks like anymore as it is set to be released for both PS4 and Xbox one on the 22nd of January. 

The Vikendi map is a 6km island partly covered with snow with lots of cities for players to explore. For the fact that the island has not totally been covered by snow, you will be able to track your opponents by their footprints. 

With the areas that have been covered with snow and the water iced players will be able to move on foot or drive their vehicles to the other side.You can as well use the cities walls as a defense or fly over to catch your opponents off guard. 

We will keep you posted on any new information about the map.  
PUBG Releasing The Vikendi Map For Console Soon PUBG Releasing The Vikendi  Map For Console Soon Reviewed by Admin on January 15, 2019 Rating: 5

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