Backfire Is An Arcade Shooter Game Out On Android

Adding to the list of games released for mobile is a space like game titled Backfire which is out now on Android. 
Backfire is a game that allows players take the role of an exorcist who is tasked with the responsibility of cleaning up an ancient curse. Just like the name implies, you will take charge of a space ship that shoots from the back.

There are lots of enemies to fight in the game which includes ancient demons, hoards of monsters and 4 bosses to destroy. There are also 8 unique weapons players can use to battle their enemies. 

You can checkout the trailer below.

If this sounds fun to you then you can get the game on Google Play now. 
Backfire Is An Arcade Shooter Game Out On Android Backfire Is An Arcade Shooter Game Out On Android Reviewed by Admin on January 16, 2019 Rating: 5

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