Arcane Quest Legends Now Out On Android

The Arcane Quest Legends is an action packed RPG which is available for download now on Android. 

The game has a very unique story line where the power of darkness has spread over the Auria and you have to fight your way through countless hordes of orcs, demons, undead and lots more. 

You will be able to build and customise your own character to fit your personal style and can grow your character to the perfect warrior as you progress.  

There are lots of primary and side quest for players to complete, mini games to play when on break and can recruit a partner to join you in your adventure with lots of loots and upgrades to make on your weapons.  

You can checkout the trailer below 

You can head over to Google Play to get the game right now. 
Arcane Quest Legends Now Out On Android Arcane Quest Legends Now Out On Android Reviewed by Admin on January 03, 2019 Rating: 5

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