Forged Fantasy Is An RPG Game Up For Pre-registration

Coming soon to Android on the 17th January is a new action RPG game titled Forged Fantasy which is up for pre-registration now. 

This game will allow you collect different heroes with each having various legendary weapons and unique abilities. With the different heroes you have collected, you can enter into any realm to fight where you get a reward after each final battle. 

This PvP game also lets you play with friends and also compete in real time battle. You can team up with friends to also attempt co-op Boss Raid mode. 

You are left with options on how to operate your heroes, you can either control your heroes by your self or switch over to auto mode and there are over 100+ missions to battle in the campaign mode.

You can checkout the trailer below 

If this sound fun to you, you can pre-register for the game on Google Play right now.  
Forged Fantasy Is An RPG Game Up For Pre-registration Forged Fantasy Is An RPG Game Up For Pre-registration Reviewed by Admin on January 14, 2019 Rating: 5

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