Antigraviator Is Likely To Come To Console In Early 2019

PC users have been having all the fun when it comes to the Antigraviator game which was released for PC exclusively. A blog post was released last month by the developers thanking its users
for their support and also made mention of a free update for PC users which fixes some issues the game was having. But there is good news for console users as the developers has stated that their main attention for now would be to bring the game to PS4 and Xbox one. 

From the blog post, we could tell that it has not been easy for the developers as they have encounted some challenges as they bring the game to console but they are confident that the game will be ready for launched in early 2019. You can read the full blog post here.

The game which is set in 2210 A.D is a racing game which defies gravity where you have to race against other cars (spaceship if you like) through different racing locations. No wonder it is titled Antigraviator.

You can checkout the PC trailer of the game below

We are keeping our fingers crossed till when the game finally comes out. Let us know what you think about this game.
Antigraviator Is Likely To Come To Console In Early 2019 Antigraviator Is Likely To Come To Console In Early 2019 Reviewed by Admin on January 03, 2019 Rating: 5

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